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 Maximum pcb size?

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jlawton Posted - 12 Sep 2023 : 15:44:49
Not an issue, but it seems the maximum pcb size is 1000mm x 1000mm but I had thought it was 500mm x 500mm. When did that change?

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Peter Johnson Posted - 13 Sep 2023 : 10:21:42
It didn't. Easy-PC for Windows has always been 1m square. You might be thinking of the Older DOS versions which were smaller - but they were imperial, not metric.

On reflection, you might be confusing it with the pin count options. There used to be 500, 1000, 2000 and unlimited but the 500 pin option was discontinued for new users well over a decade ago (though, since the licence doesn't expire, there are still some users with that pin count option!).
jlawton Posted - 12 Sep 2023 : 19:49:37
Lol, I always designed well within those Boardmaker limits
I'm puzzled though why I thought the Easy-PC maximum was 500mm x 500mm?

edrees Posted - 12 Sep 2023 : 19:22:23
Just checked the spec. out of my old DOS Boardmaker2 manual,-
PCB & Schematic maximum 430mm x 430mm or 17"x17" in old money!
Ampdoctor Posted - 12 Sep 2023 : 17:35:44
I'm on unlimited so I don't see them come upgrade time.
jlawton Posted - 12 Sep 2023 : 16:50:10
There still are pin limits:

Ampdoctor Posted - 12 Sep 2023 : 16:07:03
Was the smaller size connected to the pin limits? There used to be 500 / 1000 / 2000 / unlimited pin limits at one time.
jlawton Posted - 12 Sep 2023 : 16:02:45
Oo-er. Maybe that was the Boardmaker II limit from yonks ago :)

edrees Posted - 12 Sep 2023 : 15:57:56
Hi John, I believe it has always been 1000mm by 1000mm, -certainly since I started using EasyPC many years ago.