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T O P I C    R E V I E W
shadders Posted - 14 Mar 2017 : 15:52:10

I thought i would start a thread about Easy-PC and running it under Wine.

I am using Fedora 25 and the program runs ok so far using the schematic editor.

To install - following the standard Wine installation instructions - but do NOT install/run as administrator.

Current issues are minimal :

1. When using the library editor, and creating a new entry, the system reports that it could not open the Deafault.ptf - technology file. (i have checked permissions - file exists and permissions ok). Solution so far is to copy an existing entry, rename and modify the relevant aspects.

I have only started to use it recently with Wine and will report issues and solutions as they occur.

Hopefully Number One are ok with this posting and thread.


1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
shadders Posted - 17 Mar 2017 : 11:17:43
Originally posted by shadders


I thought i would start a thread about Easy-PC and running it under Wine.

I am using Fedora 25 and the program runs ok so far using the schematic editor.

To install - following the standard Wine installation instructions - but do NOT install/run as administrator.

Current issues are minimal :

1. When using the library editor, and creating a new entry, the system reports that it could not open the Deafault.ptf - technology file. (i have checked permissions - file exists and permissions ok). Solution so far is to copy an existing entry, rename and modify the relevant aspects.

2. Hit a snag - translate to PCB works, but forward changes from schematic to PCB caused a crash.

I have only started to use it recently with Wine and will report issues and solutions as they occur.

Hopefully Number One are ok with this posting and thread.



Update as above - No2.