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 EasyPC vs DesignSpark

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cicero Posted - 27 Mar 2017 : 13:57:32
I'm an EasyPC paid user, and have taken a quick look at Designspark PCB....aka EasyPC's long lost identical twin!

So whats the catch? Why are we using EasyPC and paying for it?

I can justify it compared to other programs like Altium purely on cost. But I'm struggling to not feel like I'm getting taken for a ride with EasyPC.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
DavidM Posted - 28 Mar 2017 : 08:58:03
Iain is correct in his statement that many features of Easy-PC are not present in DesignSpark. At the last count there are in excess of 150 significant feature differences between the two, and this gap will only accelerate as DesignSpark tends to get about four new features each release whereas Easy-PC in its annual update tends to add at least 30.

Of course in the end it is down to personal choice and whether the basic features available in DesignSpark PCB are sufficient for your needs, but we are confident that the comparison between the two products does indeed stand up to scrutiny.

Iain Wilkie Posted - 27 Mar 2017 : 19:43:30
Take a closer look at Designspark and you will find it's simply a very stripped down version of EasyPC with many of the features removed.
Not worth considering in my opinion.
