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 Schematic plotting irritant

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Scazon Posted - 01 May 2017 : 12:49:29
When printing a schematic from the "Plotting & Printing" menu, I hit "Fit Plot". The plot changes size in the preview, but "Plot will NOT FIT" with its big red cross is still displayed. The actual printout is fine, but it's irritating.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Scazon Posted - 19 May 2017 : 17:53:21
It shouldn't matter- I just clicked 'fit plot' so it should fit the plot to whatever size it thinks it is. I think it's losing the plot...
John Baraclough Posted - 02 May 2017 : 18:48:41
Have you checked if your printer thinks it is using the size of paper that's actually in it?

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