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 Program crash when editing symbols

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
deltekkie Posted - 09 Jun 2017 : 12:32:07
I am using Easy PC 17. On a Windows 7, 64bit pc.
When trying to modify a schematic symbol, the program often crashes. Any ideas what causes this?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
davep Posted - 17 Feb 2018 : 22:58:05
The corruption in cmx file seems to originate when surplus carriage return has been entered into a description or value field for any component. This shows as a two line record for affected components. By deleting last character and retyping it without enter key followed by 'save to library' etc fixes then particular record. By repeating this for all corrupt components and reindexing, problem has gone away. Original cause not known, some parts have been in the library for many years (I have been using Easy-PC since it was DOS).
DavidM Posted - 05 Feb 2018 : 09:14:03
If it seems to happen to one specific component library then it is probably worth sending us a copy of the CML file so we can try to reproduce the CMX corruption in the lab.
davep Posted - 03 Feb 2018 : 12:01:58
Further info. It appears that .cmx file gets corrupted. By deleting this and running re-index problem goes away. (Thanks Peter at Support).
However the corruption seems to occur fairly often. The fix works each time.
Have now had this 7 times in a few days!
davep Posted - 31 Jan 2018 : 21:47:22
Win 7 64 bit. easypc 21.0.3. When editing a existing schematic symbol program crashed. When restarted entering symbol to component links found that about 70% of component library has disappeared. Has any one else seen this or is it a one-off.
Was able to recover .cml file from my offline backup and carry on.