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 Component Line Weights

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rbuck Posted - 27 Jun 2018 : 17:14:23
Is there some way to change the line weight of all components in a schematic? Or in all libraries?

By default, all component outlines have a line weight of 5. When the schematic prints out, it is very light and difficult to see.

I can change the line weight on all connection lines, component values, and component names to a weight of 8. When the schematic is then printed out, everything is nice and readable except the component outlines. They are still very light and hard to see.

If I print the schematic to a PDF and then print it out, the component outlines become almost as dark as the connection lines. At least it becomes very readable by doing it that way.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rbuck Posted - 29 Jun 2018 : 00:03:40

Thank you. It wasn't using the component outline style. It was using Line 5 as the style. That was set to 5. Changing it to 8 corrected the problem. The "blue highlight" was the key. Line 5 was highlighted in blue when I selected the component and then selected Design Technology.

Iain Wilkie Posted - 28 Jun 2018 : 21:39:42
The component doesnt necessarily use the outlines style. Click on the component in the sschemetic to highlight it, go to design technology and the line styles tab and look for the one with a blue highlight ... that’s the one to change ....

rbuck Posted - 28 Jun 2018 : 18:58:04
I click on a component in the schematic and right click it. The is no option to change the style. If I click Design Technology, and select the Line Style tab, it shows Symbol Outlines as being Width 8 since I previously changed it from 5 to 8. However, in the schematic, the width is only 5.

The only way I can see to change the width of a component outline is with the library editor. That means every component in the library will have to be changed.
Iain Wilkie Posted - 28 Jun 2018 : 17:58:11
The schematic will be using a line style to create the component outlines. Just go to the specific line style you want to change and alter it. I do realize you need to do this for any schematic you are working on but its only a couple of clicks and its done and will be then be saved with that particular schematic.

rbuck Posted - 28 Jun 2018 : 17:39:20

That means I would need to modify hundreds of components. I believe each upgrade also replaces the default library components. I would have to repeat the process each time I upgraded.

Or am I misunderstanding what you are saying?
Iain Wilkie Posted - 28 Jun 2018 : 12:48:12
Just change the size in the line style used by the symbol in your schematic editor.
