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 Cm B Errors on every conmponent

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gaztech46 Posted - 24 May 2019 : 11:52:51
I must be doing something very wrong...
I designed a Schematic, converted it to a PCB, fully routed it and all "looks" perfectly fine. Everything is connected in the right place and the board looks good. However, when I run a DRC check I get "Cm B" errors on EVERY component!

When on a PCB, how do you tell if the component is mounted on the bottom side of the PCB (could be that I guess as I may have used FLIP whilst placing components as flip doesn't do the same as it does on the schematic design!) ? Does the colour of the component change to green when you do this? I need to find out why the DRC check is doing this.

It's really confusing. Can anyone help?

Thanks. :)
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gaztech46 Posted - 24 May 2019 : 12:11:06
Ah... Sorted it.

I didn't add the board outline before I ran the DRC check! - Idiot...