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 Gerber drill data

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
markpsu Posted - 11 Nov 2020 : 19:31:57
With the last version it seems there was a "Gerber drill data" file that is now included as an export option. In the past there was the NC drill file (plated & unplated), this still exist.

Is there a reason I should be using the Gerber drill file and not using the NC drill file? Are these the same thing in different formats? I'm not sure if the unplated & plated holes will be differentiated in the Gerber data format.
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markpsu Posted - 12 Nov 2020 : 13:43:44
I haven't been exporting the Gerber file and just sending the NC drill files, I kind of like that there are 2 files for plated & unplated.
Maybe I'll follow your lead and start sending the gerber in addition, see how it goes.
edrees Posted - 12 Nov 2020 : 09:25:28
Vaguely remember reading that a recent upgrade to the Ucamco Gerber spec. could now support drill info. and No1 has been quick off the ball to incorporate this feature. Allegedly it's supposed to clear up ambiguity.

So I think you have a choice, but as Iain suggests, I'd use both formats until we have achieved some degree of confidence. That way, if there's a discrepancy at least the pcb fabricator SHOULD ask questions.

Iain Wilkie Posted - 12 Nov 2020 : 08:42:19
I also noticed this. However I just include it in the files sent for manufacture and to date that has raised no queries or problems.

From V24 Supplement File ....

Output Drill Data to Gerber

Drill data plots, previously only written to Excellon format, can now write in Gerber format as well.
This means drill data can be exported using Gerber X2 format as required by some manufacturers.
From the Output tab of the Plotting & Printing dialog, with Gerber selected using the Plot Type
drop down list, select the new option, Drill Data. This applies to new plots as well as existing plots.
