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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Iain Wilkie Posted - 30 Jul 2019 : 10:30:38
Remember to fully check ant components you download.
I have just downloaded nRF52840 and the pad naming is completely wrong !
This is a "written in house" C4 component so should be good.

The strange thing is if you look at the pinning within the Samacsys environment it seems to be ok .... its only when brought into EPC that its all wrong !

Take care folks, do not trust any third party library component.


EDIT .... it seems to me that the problem arises when importing into EPC. The PCB pad pin numbering becomes sequential and this completely maps wrongly.
Have contacted support.
EDIT 2 .... Support checked this out and the problem lay with Samacsys and this has been now corrected.
However as mentioned above you must double check every aspect of a third party component before using it !