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 Pad exception
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United Kingdom
4 Posts

Posted - 14 Apr 2023 :  15:42:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have a rectangular pad on all layers. When I "Add exception" the program adds a new line with the desired "Top" layer, but I cannot give it a name. The old style remains in place. How do I transfer the old attributes, including the name, to the newly excepted style?


United Kingdom
785 Posts

Posted - 14 Apr 2023 :  16:00:35  Show Profile  Visit edrees's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Don't quite understand, but if you make an exception on one pad style, all pads of the same style in the pcb design will adopt the new exception.

If you only want one component pad in your design to have this "modified" pad style then you would have to update the component symbol such that this pad has a unique pad style name (even if it has the same dimensions and hole size etc). Then when you add an exception to this unique pad style, the other (identical) pads wouldn't be affected.
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United Kingdom
4 Posts

Posted - 15 Apr 2023 :  10:41:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My aim is to make an SMT PCB symbol on one (top) layer - I suspect that exceptions are not the way to go? But any way, once I have made an exception how do I make the original go away so that the new (top layer) symbol is named and usable?
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United Kingdom
785 Posts

Posted - 15 Apr 2023 :  12:53:09  Show Profile  Visit edrees's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Correct, your method of "exceptions" is not the way to proceed.

I would suggest that you create the S/Mount component symbol with "Top layer elements" only.

Although designed for top layer placement, it will still be able to be "flipped" if you wanted to fit it on bottom layer on a future design.

how do I make the original go away so that the new (top layer) symbol is named and usable?
-sorry, not really sure what you mean?
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