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 Driving the Charmhigh CHM-T48VB P&Pmachine

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CoastElectronics Posted - 21 Jun 2023 : 12:44:42
I have this pick and place machine and unfortunately (for me) am pretty isolated here in darkest Bournemouth. I seek to contact any Engineer/ company out there who has used this P&P machine successfully for Easy-PC.
I realize that I may otherwise produce a method that is ill-formed and non-standard (sub-optimal). HELP!! Graham Coast
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Iain Wilkie Posted - 22 Jun 2023 : 10:45:21
Hi Ed,

Yes that makes sense ..... I must ask my PCB manufacturer about that the next time out of curiosity.

edrees Posted - 21 Jun 2023 : 20:18:10
Hi Iain, the issue with this particular pick & place machine (all pick and place machines?) appears to be that it requires "Z" information as well.

If you think about it, XY info is only two dimensions and one can imagine the machine forcing "tall" components thru the pcb substrate.

Like you, I have sent hundereds of pcb files with EasyPC pick and place CSV files without any problem, but there must be somebody (AI?) post-processing this info for the "Z" dimension.
Iain Wilkie Posted - 21 Jun 2023 : 18:53:07
I often have to supply the EPC Pick and Place (component positions) file to our PCB manufacturer who never report any problems.

edrees Posted - 21 Jun 2023 : 12:57:27
I don't think that the EasyPC Pick and Place CSV output file is anything special.
I believe all the required Columns are,-
Designator, X, Y, Layer, Rotation.
Sorry, can't be of further help.

Edit, I missed out the "Footprint" column, - my apologies!
(Maybe this is where the "Z" info is generated?).