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 Copper Pour Shapes with Curved Sides?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chris55000 Posted - 07 Jul 2022 : 20:23:54
Is there not a method of producing Copper Pour Areas with Curved or Shaped sides, such as used to be standard practice in the "tape and film" era of the 1960s to the 1980s?

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Chris55000 Posted - 09 Jul 2022 : 11:51:02

I hadn't thought of that – I didn't know about the "Merge" idea – I've seen the "Convert to Arc" option somewhere!

I'll have a look and report back – I wanted to make curved/shaped copper poured tracks for the BRC 2000 H.T. Regulator PCB I'm designing!

Chris Williams

Chris55000 Posted - 09 Jul 2022 : 11:46:21

I hadn't thought of that – I didn't know about the "Merge" idea – I've seen the "Convert to Arc" option somewhere!

I'll have a look and report back – I wanted to make curved/shaped copper poured tracks for the BRC 2000 H.T. Regulator PCB I'm designing!

Chris Williams

Iain Wilkie Posted - 08 Jul 2022 : 09:10:01
You can also "Merge" shapes to make very complex areas

edrees Posted - 07 Jul 2022 : 20:40:24
Yes, -if you start with a rectangular copper pour area, you can edit each and every side by adding mitres or fillets or convert the side to an Arc and "drag" the arc to any radius you want.